QAPI is the merger of two complementary approaches for Quality and Performance.
Quality Assurance (QA) and Performance Improvement (PI).
QAPI is the comprehensive way to help ensure higher quality-of-care, with measureable performance indicators. Like all performance models, QAPI incorporates 5-Elements and aligns to Star Ratings. The 5-Elements of QAPI leads to: re-evaluate workflow, leadership, information gathering, daily process evaluation, time management, and resource allocation.
While Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement are very different activities:
- QA is the process of meeting quality standards and assuring that care reaches an acceptable level. Typically thresholds are set to comply with reactive regulations.
- PI is the continuous study of processes improvement with a proactive intent to prevent or decrease the likelihood of problems by identifying areas of opportunity and testing new approaches to fix underlying causes of persistent/systemic problems.
they do maintain common factors: Planning, Leadership, Monitoring, Data Collection, Reporting, and Continuous Evaluation. These activities can overwhelm and require more time from administration and staff.
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CMS Payroll-Based Journal "PBJ"
Section 6106 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires facilities to electronically submit direct care staffing information (including agency and contract staff) based on payroll and other auditable data. The data, when combined with census information, can then be used to report on the level of staff in each nursing home and employee turnover and tenure, which can impact the quality of care delivered.
CMS has developed a system for facilities to submit staffing and census information – Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ). This system will allow staffing and census information to be collected on a regular and more frequent basis than currently collected. It will also be auditable to ensure accuracy. All long term care facilities will have access to this system at no cost to facilities.
CMS intends to collect staffing and census data through the PBJ system on a voluntary basis beginning on October 1, 2015, and on a mandatory basis beginning on July 1, 2016. Registration for voluntary submission will begin in August 2015.
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