TechWay Health
TechWay Health

Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)

Quality is always at the forefront of asking the question - how can improvements be made.  The Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) model is the answer.  CPI helps discover and eliminate primary causes of a problem or issue.  CPI accomplishes this by using small-steps - improvements, rather than implementing one huge change.  Using the CPI model involves everyone, staff to top-management.


CPI means making things better, NOT fighting fires or to blame people for problems or failures... it is simply a way of looking at how we can do our work better.  When we take a problem solving approach, we often never get to the root causes because our main goal is to put out the fire.  But when we engage in process improvement, we seek to learn what causes things to happen and then use this knowledge to:

  • Reduce variation while improving process
  • Remove activities that have little to no value for the organization
  • Improve satisfaction for resident, patient, and user of the workflow

CPI is important because process accounts for approximately 80% of all problems while people account for the remaining 20%.   The CPI model can produce new results to old problems, for example implementing a workflow methodology designed to help facilities develop and maintain their quality standards required to meet or exceed regulations.

CPI uses a systematic approach or sometimes known as ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluate). There are five phases to the CPI model:

  • Analysis Phase — Identify areas of opportunity and target specific problems. These areas and problems are based on a team or individual's knowledge, process definition documentation, recommendations by our experts or individuals in the process, and other analysis techniques.
  • Design Phase — Generate awareness by diagramming and documenting the workflow process. Identify the required resources to implement the recommendations from the baseline measures.
  • Development Phase — Formulate a detailed procedure for implementing the approved outcome.
  • Implementation Phase — Execute on the reengineered result.
  • Evaluation Phase — Build measurement tools, monitor implementation, and evaluate measurements to the baseline. Please note that this phase is performed throughout the entire process. The chart below shows that this is a dynamic (actively reviewed) model:

CPI's New Way of modeling allows for the facility to have a voice, be directly involved in setting up the plan and putting that plan into action.  CPI can make good quality even better.


CPI will save time, improve care, and maintain continued focus for staff and facility alike.  As an example, CPI will help identify risk for potential SFF status, help determine financial quality-of-care penalties / fines and set goals to help improve overall star ratings.  The unique model provides the opportunity to isolate or identify specific needs and aligns quality with process improvement.


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News & Information

TechWay Health announces a NEW partner: AlixaRx.

AlixaRx combines long term care pharmacy services, on-site medication dispensing and certified pharmacists to deliver innovative parmacy services nationwide.

Star Program

Proudly announcing the STAR PROGRAM to address:

5-Star Rating System Changes

QAPI Requirements & Mandate

Gradual Dose Reduction

ACO (Triple-Aim) Approach

Payroll-Based Journal "PBJ".

Read all news & information.

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